Chapter 3

 Hello to all my lovely people, hope all is well with everyone! I have some more helpful information that can help you proceed with your career in being a social media influencer and a great content creator. As we all know, social media is a major platform for marketing not only yourself but also your own personal brand, business, clothing line, music, and much more. It may sound so simple to market your brand through social media, but there are many steps to get that brand promoted the right way and have people from all over the world to take notice. 

Luckily, I'm here to give you guys the steps in social media marketing strategies to help improve your marketing skills. I won't dive too deep with all ten steps, but ill cover up the first couple of steps with a good explanation. First, I'll list out all ten steps just so you'll know all steps. In order from one to ten, you have to identify a target, conduct a social media audit, establish a goal/objectives, determine resources, establish a tone of voice, platform selection, create social media networks, create a distribution, create a content calendar, and the very last step track and analyze tune. 

Step one is critical because you have to identify a specific target market, in other words, you must know who and what you market to. It won't do you any justice if you're on social media marketing something but don't necessarily know who and what you're marketing for. Step two is also an important step. Conducting a social media audit is basically reviewing what is working on your social media platforms and what isn't. For example, if your posting motivational Monday's content on your page and there isn't really getting a lot of likes or comments, you should probably avoid posting them due to the lack of interaction with your attended audience. The last step ill discuss and explain is establishing goals/objectives. Having goals and objectives will help you create your overall bottom line, meaning you will have an idea of what you want your audience to gain and continue being active.  


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